A Virtual Retreat in the Mystical Mountains of Rishikesh!

21-day Yoga Transformation Adventure

21-day Yoga Transformation Adventure

Week 1: Initiation

Initiation prepares the body and mind to develop healthy habits and is the foundation for creating the lifestyle of your dreams. You will build a regular yoga practice, implement mindfulness into your routine and take time to meditate and relax.

Diet-wise, week 1 is all about eliminating processed and packaged foods from your diet and trying to cut back on caffeine, sugar and meat. 

Week 2: Liberation

Liberation through the chakras will awaken your energetic body, and you will learn how the chakras relate to your health, well-being and success. Rediscover your spiritual self as you let go of all that no longer serves you to reclaim your power as a Divine Sovereign Being. The theme for your nutrition this week is Rest & Restore. You will build up to a three-day kitcheri cleanse and take time out in nature to relax. 

Week 3: Transformation

Experience the transformation of your commitment and inner work.

Deep within your heart and soul, you feel complete and whole, knowing you are perfect just as you are!

This week on your cleanse, your focus is on Nourish and Nurture.

Are you ready to transform your life?

Anything is possible when you believe!

Are you in need of some quality you time?

Would you like to start your day in the mystical mountains of Rishikesh?

A virtual retreat in the mystical mountains of Rishikesh!

Start your day with a 30-minute yoga practice in the heart of Rishikesh, the home of yoga.

21-day Yoga Transformation Adventure
Sale Price: £21.00 Original Price: £42.00

What our clients are saying

”Before I started my Ayurvedic yoga lifestyle course, I would get out of bed as late as possible, and my meditation practice was very sporadic. I also paid little attention to my diet and didn't realize the significance of how much changing my diet could affect my mood. Until my first class, I found yoga quite intimidating and felt that only 'super fit' people with lots of time on their hands could incorporate yoga into their daily lives. I was also worried that the other people in the class would be 'not my kind of people', but everyone was really down to earth and lovely.

As soon as I met Sharon, I knew I would enjoy the course. Her welcoming and calm nature put me at ease instantly. The classes were tailored to each person so I could work at my own pace. Sharon was encouraging and kept me positive even when I felt challenged. The other people I met were really lovely, and we were all at ease with one another.

Sharon was also flexible and accommodating, and one week, when I could not attend the weekly class, Sharon made special arrangements for me to have a one-to-one session at her studio. I have grown spiritually due to Sharon's experience and support. I now feel ready to take the next steps to continue to include yoga and meditation in my daily routine." Sarah Evans

“I can’t tell enough people how brilliant yoga makes you feel, and I can’t wait to continue developing my practice under Sharon’s guidance.”

“Before starting yoga around eight months ago, I was struggling to cope with controlling my irritable bowel syndrome. After 18 months of ruling out foods which I could no longer eat, I was still having difficulties. The doctor put me on antidepressants as new research showed that relaxing the brain could help relieve my symptoms.

Unfortunately, these made me feel much worse and began to change my personality. After researching alternative options, I found that some people had succeeded after regularly practising yoga.

I began attending a weekly class with Sharon and immediately began to feel better and back in control. I love attending the classes, and I really enjoyed the partner yoga. I have signed up for the lifestyle course to deepen my knowledge and experience.

I have become stronger and more flexible and have very few problems with my IBS now. I can’t tell enough people how brilliant yoga makes you feel, and I can’t wait to continue developing my practice under Sharon’s guidance.” Charlotte Pym

“Sharon brought up my confidence.

You make me believe that yoga and diet can heal my pain and now it just depends on me to keep practicing regularly and eat high vibrant foods. I can feel passion from you, that’s what I love the most! Thank you for being my yoga teacher!” Sandy Yip

“One of the best results has been observing how my physical ability at yoga has improved. When I first started the classes I was unable to do a lot of the moves which I have now managed to master and for me this feels live I have really achieved something.”

"Prior to attending Sharon's classes I suffered from back problems due to sitting at a desk all day and generally poor posture. Since I started the classes I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my back problems and I believe my posture has improved.

Prior to starting these classes I was concerned that I wouldn't be very good at it or that I would find it a bit boring. However I found Sharon’s classes very relaxing and fun. I also found that I was able to practice at my own level and build myself up to a higher level.

It has given me a focus to concentrate on improving my abilities in yoga. Yoga has helped me to be more relaxed and de-stress, helped my fitness and helped me to be more aware of what I eat and my lifestyle.

One of the best results has been observing how my physical ability at yoga has improved. When I first started the classes I was unable to do a lot of the moves which I have now managed to master and for me this feels live I have really achieved something."Chloe Baker

Believe You Can, and You Will!

Believe You Can, and You Will!

Sharon’s Inspirational Story

From bed-bound with a broken back to training with professional Muay Thai fighters in Thailand.

Sharon’s story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of yoga. After enduring the agony of a broken back and suffering in pain for seven long years, she decided to embrace a daily yoga practice. This commitment alleviated her pain and ultimately allowed her to reclaim her life and discover her true calling. Her journey from despair to triumph inspires others in pain to seek healing and empowerment through yoga.

Are you ready to step into your greatness?

Are you ready to step into your greatness?

Let’s kickstart your journey to a new level of life.

We’ll be with you every step of the way.

Book Your FREE Soul Discovery Call Today!

Book Your FREE Soul Discovery Call Today!